Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials
Founded at 2009

Experimental study of the fluidity of nanostructured magnetic fluid in a strong magnetic field

A.N. Bolotov, O.O. Novikova

Tver State Technical University

DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2023.15.670

Original article

Abstract: In this paper, we studied the changes in the topography of the surface of a unit made of magnetostrictive magnetoplast under the influence of a magnetic field. Theoretical analysis has shown that in composite materials when using magnetostrictive particles with a dispersion of 10-4÷10-6 m, a change in the surface roughness parameters is possible in the range of 10-7÷10-9 m, depending on the magnetostrictive constants of the filler. Local changes in the topography of the magnetoplast surface in a magnetic field with a strength of about 560 kA/m are experimentally determined, and an assessment is made of the integral changes characterizing the surface as a whole. For the experiment, a composite material containing a powder of TeFe2 material with a uniquely high linear magnetostriction (λs = 2∙103) was chosen. It has been established that the effect of the surface nanoroughness changing is especially pronounced for relatively smooth surfaces and depends on the composition, concentration, size, and orientation of the microfine magnetic filler. For the studied surfaces of magnetoplasts, the change in the height parameters of roughness exceeds 5%. In absolute terms, the change in the topography of the surface is tens of nanometers. In precision engineering, the detected effect can be used to control frictional characteristics, in particular, to change the friction force without contact, control the flow of small doses of various reactive gases, and change the dynamics of wetting processes of solid surfaces.

Keywords: magnetostriction, magnetoplast, magnetic field, surface topography, surface roughness, composite material

  • Alexander N. Bolotov – Dr. Sc., Professor, Head of the Applied Physics Department, Tver State Technical University
  • Olga O. Novikova – Ph. D., Full Docent, Applied Physics Department, Tver State Technical University


Bolotov, A.N. Experimental study of the fluidity of nanostructured magnetic fluid in a strong magnetic field / A.N. Bolotov, O.O. Novikova // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2023. — I. 15. — P. 670-678. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2023.15.670. (In Russian).

Full article (in Russian): download PDF file


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