Lubricant properties of nanodisperse magnetic oils based on novel technical liquids
A.N. Bolotov, L.E. Afanasieva, V.V. Meshkov
Tver State Technical University
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2023.15.679
Original article
Abstract: The paper presents the results of studying properties of magnetic lubricating oils synthesized on the basis of fluoroorganic fluids and triethanol. The lubricating properties of oils were determined in the boundary friction mode under medium and high contact pressures. It is shown that magnetic oils based on perfluoropolyether have higher lubricating properties than oils based on other fluids, especially in the medium load range. The anti-wear properties and aggregative stability of oil begin to deteriorate sharply at temperatures exceeding 150°С. The use of perfluoropolyether liquid as an additive to oil made it possible to improve the antiwear properties of magnetic oil at medium and high contact pressures. The lubricating properties of magnetic oils based on triethanolamine are approximately the same as those of magnetic oils based on siloxanes, but worse than those of traditional non-magnetic oils. In terms of tribological properties, the studied magnetic oils are comparable to traditional plastic and liquid lubricants. The fact that magnetic oils have magnetic properties that are anomalous for liquids expands the area of their effective application significantly.
Keywords: magnetic lubricating oil, fluoroorganic liquids, triethanolamine, nanodisperse particles, friction, wear
- Alexander N. Bolotov – Dr. Sc., Professor, Head of the Applied Physics Department, Tver State Technical University
- Ludmila E. Afanasieva – Ph. D., Docent, Docent of the Metal Technology and Materials Science Department, Tver State Technical University
- Vladimir V. Meshkov – Dr. Sc., Professor, Head of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Tver State Technical University
Bolotov, A.N. Lubricant properties of nanodisperse magnetic oils based on novel technical liquids / A.N. Bolotov, L.E. Afanasieva, V.V. Meshkov // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2023. — I. 15. — P. 679-691. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2023.15.679. (In Russian).
Full article (in Russian): download PDF file
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