Simulation of adsorbostriction in microporous adsorbents
A.V. Tvardovskiy
Tver State Technical University
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2023.15.282
Original article
Abstract: In this work, models of elastic adsorption deformation of microporous adsorbents with different micropore geometries are proposed, which make it possible to relate changes in the relative linear dimensions of macroobjects (adsorbents) and micropores. Model No. 1 is a model of elastic adsorption deformation of microporous adsorbents upon interaction with gases. Model No. 2 corresponds to the model when the micropores are plane-parallel slots of limited size. Obviously, the proposed equations can be used in constructing the general thermodynamics of adsorption processes and adsorption theory, as well as in calculating the thermodynamic functions of adsorbents. In particular, changes in the internal energy, enthalpy, and entropy of the adsorbent during its deformation can be calculated. Thus, it will be possible to reveal the contribution of the non-inert adsorbent to the measured heats of adsorption. The developed approach contributes to the development of the thermodynamics of adsorption processes and the construction of a general theory of adsorption, taking into account the contribution of the adsorbent.
Keywords: adsorption, absorption, adsorbostriction, deformation of adsorbents, microporous adsorbents, dilatometric studies, adsorption thermodynamics
- Andrey V. Tvardovskiy – Dr. Sc., Professor, Rector, Tver State Technical University
Tvardovskiy, A.V. Simulation of adsorbostriction in microporous adsorbents / A.V. Tvardovskiy // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2023. — I. 15. — P. 282-287. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2023.15.282. (In Russian).
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