Hydrogen permeability through tantalum alloys allowed with Nb and W
R.M. Belyakova, V.A. Polukhin
Institute of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2020.12.356
Original article
Abstract: An analysis of studies of membrane alloys Ta77Nb23 and Ta94,9W5,1 was carried out with an estimation of their characteristics – thermal stability, strength – by measuring microhardness, matrix structure – by X-ray analysis, as well as the dynamics of hydrogen – diffusion (theoretically) and permeability (experimentally). The efficiency of the hydrogen separation/purification using the Ta77Nb23 and Ta94,9W5,1 alloys was higher than that of palladium, measured under the same test conditions.
Keywords: hydrogen selective membranes, tantalum-based alloy, solubility, absorption, permeability, diffusion, concentration, gas separation, purification, embrittlement, thermal stability, resistance to hydrogen embrittlement
- Rimma M. Belyakova – Ph. D., Senior Researcher, Institute of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Valeriy A. Polukhin – Dr. Sc., Chief Researcher, Institute of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Belyakova, R.M. Hydrogen permeability through tantalum alloys allowed with Nb and W / R.M. Belyakova, V.A. Polukhin // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2020. — I. 12. — P. 356-369. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2020.12.356. (In Russian).
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