Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials
Founded at 2009


Research of Al2O3 and Al nanopowder formation processes in plasma under the influence of defocused dual laser pulses on aluminum in the air atmosphere

K. Bazzal1, E.S. Voropay1, N.A. Alekseenko2, M.N. Kovalenko1, N.H. Trinh3, A.P. Zajogin1
1 Belarusian State University
2 Powder Metallurgy Institute named after academician O.V. Roman
3 Vinh University

Abstract: The influence of the magnitude and type of defocusing of twin laser pulses on the purposeful formation of the component and charge composition of laser plasma under the influence of twin laser pulses on a target made of aluminum alloy AD1 (LSS-1 spectrometer) has been studied. It is shown that when defocusing is more than 1 mm, the intensity of the ion line Al III increases several times in comparison with zero defocusing, the intensity of the ion lines Al II, N II also increases more or less monotonously. At the same time, the intensity of the bands AlO practically becomes zero. At the 1 mm defocusing value, the processes of formation of mixed nanopowders were studied and, under the influence of successive series of double laser pulses with the energy of 53 mJ and the inter-pulse interval of the iss on an aluminum target placed in a closed rectangular glass cuvette, the size of primary Al2O3 particles estimated using high-resolution electron microscopy was mainly 30-40 nm, and Al – 45-60 nm. The particles are collected into agglomerates.
Keywords: oxidized nanopowders Al, Al2O3, AlO suboxides, pulsed laser sputtering, laser plasma, laser spark spectrometry