Phase composition and biocompatibility of calcium phosphate coatings on titanium enriched with hydroxyapatite
A.E. Doroshenko1, V.K. Krut’ko1, O.N. Musskaya1, A.I. Dovnar2, O.B. Ostrowskaya2, Ye.M. Doroshenko2, A.I. Kulak1
1 Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
2 Grodno State Medical University, Grodno, Belarus
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2023.15.708
Original article
Abstract: Calcium phosphate coatings containing brushite, calcite, and apatite were obtained by electrochemical deposition on titanium plates at room temperature, pH 5, constant current density 30 mA/cm2, from CaCO3/Ca(H2PO4)2 suspension electrolyte. A layer of amorphous apatite was deposited by the biomimetic method, by keeping the coatings in a concentrated modeling solution of Simulated Body Fluid. As a result of heat treatment at 800°C, apatite crystallized into hydroxyapatite, calcite decomposed to calcium oxide, and titanium was covered with a layer of titanium (IV) oxide. Preclinical studies on rats in vivo for 3 months showed increased osseointegration of plates with calcium phosphate coatings compared to uncoated titanium. Titanium implants with calcium phosphate coatings enriched with hydroxyapatite are promising for use in neurosurgery, dentistry, orthopedics due to the absence of inflammatory reactions from the body and increased osseointegration.
Keywords: calcium phosphate coatings, brushite, calcite, SBF model solution, apatite, hydroxyapatite
- Anna E. Doroshenko – Junior Researcher, Photochemistry and Electrochemistry Laboratory, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
- Valentina K. Krut’ko – Ph. D., Assistant Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Photochemistry and Electrochemistry, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
- Olga N. Musskaya – Ph. D., Assistant Professor, Leading Researcher of Photochemistry and Electrochemistry Laboratory, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
- Andrey I. Dovnar – Assistant of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Grodno State Medical University
- Oksana B. Ostrowskaya – Ph. D., Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, Research Laboratory, Grodno State Medical University, Grodno, Belarus
- Yevgeni M. Doroshenko – Ph. D., Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Research Laboratory, Grodno State Medical University, Grodno, Belarus
- Anatoly I. Kulak – Academician, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Dr. Sc., Professor, Director, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Doroshenko, A.E. Phase composition and biocompatibility of calcium phosphate coatings on titanium enriched with hydroxyapatite / A.E. Doroshenko, V.K. Krut’ko, O.N. Musskaya, A.I. Dovnar, O.B. Ostrowskaya, Ye.M. Doroshenko, A.I. Kulak // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2023. — I. 15. — P. 708-717. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2023.15.708. (In Russian).
Full article (in Russian): download PDF file
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