Stabilization of the dielectric properties of solid solution ceramics based on calcium–barium niobate
A.S. Mitchenko1, O.V. Malyshkina1, O.S. Guseva2, A.I. Ivanova1
1 Tver State University
2 Russian Technological University MIREA
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2023.15.178
Original article
Abstract: In this work, we studied the effect of a modifying additive of finely dispersed polystyrene (2 wt.%) on the dielectric and pyroelectric properties of the ceramic samples Ca0.3Ba0.7Nb2O6 (CBN30) and solid solutions based on it with the addition (5%) of SrTiO3 or LiTaO3, obtained by the solid-phase synthesis method. It is shown that the presence of polystyrene during the sintering of solid solution ceramics based on CBN30 leads to the formation of nanosized pores in the samples and, as a result, leads to a significant decrease in the dielectric losses and a change in the nature of the permittivity dispersion in a wide frequency range of fabricated samples. As a result, the shape of the dispersion diagrams of the ceramics based on CBN30 became similar to the dielectric dispersion of industrial samples of the piezoelectric ceramics of lead zirconate-titanate. The studies of the pyroelectric effect on polarized ceramic samples based on CBN30 revealed that the samples sintered with the presence of polystyrene, in contrast to the samples sintered without polystyrene, have a uniform polarization distribution over the thickness.
Keywords: piezoelectric ceramics, barium-calcium niobate, lead-free materials, modifiers, grain structure, permittivity
- Artem S. Mitchenko – 1st year master's student, Tver State University
- Olga V. Malyshkina – Dr. Sc., Full Professor, Professor, Department of Computer Security and Mathematical Control Methods, Tver State University
- Olga S. Guseva – Junior research fellow, Russian Technological University MIREA
- Alexandra I. Ivanova – Ph. D., Docent of the Applied Physic Department, Tver State University
Mitchenko, A.S. Stabilization of the dielectric properties of solid solution ceramics based on calcium–barium niobate / A.S. Mitchenko, O.V. Malyshkina, O.S. Guseva, A.I. Ivanova // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2023. — I. 15. — P. 178-188. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2023.15.178. (In Russian).
Full article (in Russian): download PDF file
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