Investigation of possibility of the misfit dislocation density reduction in Ge / Si films with a buffer layer
V.A. Lapin1,2, A.A. Kravtsov1,2, D.S. Kuleshov2, F.F. Malyavin2
1 Federal Research Center The Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 North-Caucasus Federal University
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2021.13.263
Original article
Abstract: The possibility of improving the quality of Ge/ Si heteroepitaxial structures with a buffer layer is investigated. It is shown that when using a preparatory layer consisting of nanostructures overgrown with a low-temperature buffer layer, it is possible to manifest the so-called effect of annihilation of the misfit dislocations in the bulk of the buffer layer Buf , which significantly improves the quality of the resulting structures. The dependence of the morphology of the surface of the pure Ge layer on the buffer on the growth time of nanostructures in the Si /Buf interface is presented. The optimal technological parameters of the growth of nanostructures for obtaining a Ge layer with a minimum roughness value are revealed. The best results were achieved when the deposition time of nanostructures was 2 min. At the same time, the minimum surface roughness value of 78 nm was achieved. It is shown that with a further increase in the size of the nanostructures, the process of annihilation of defects slows down, and the growth of the low-temperature buffer layer is replaced by a three-dimensional island growth, which increases the differences in the relief of the surface of the grown layer.
Keywords: heteroepitaxy, molecular beam epitaxy, misfit dislocations, buffer layer, defect annihilation
- Viacheslav A. Lapin – Ph. D., Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Nanoheterostructures for Microwave Electronics and Photonics, Federal Research Center The Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Researcher of the Research Laboratory of Physicochemical Methods of Analysis, Scientific and Laboratory Complex of Clean Rooms, Physics and Technology Faculty North-Caucasus Federal University
- Aleksandr A. Kravtsov – Ph. D., Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Nanoheterostructures for Microwave Electronics and Photonics, Federal Research Center The Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Researcher, Scientific-research Laboratory of Ceramics and Technochemistry, Scientific-laboratory Complex of Clean Rooms, Physics and Technology Faculty North Caucasus Federal University
- Dmitry S. Kuleshov – Engineer, Research Laboratory of Physicochemical Methods of Analysis, Scientific and Laboratory Complex of Clean Rooms, Physics and Technology Faculty, North-Caucasus Federal University
- Fedor F. Malyavin – Head of the Research Laboratory of High-temperature methods of synthesis, Scientific and Laboratory Complex of Clean Rooms, Physics and Technology Faculty, North-Caucasus Federal University
Lapin, V.A. Investigation of possibility of the misfit dislocation density reduction in Ge / Si films with a buffer layer / V.A. Lapin, A.A. Kravtsov, D.S. Kuleshov, F.F. Malyavin // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2021. — I. 13. — P. 263-271. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2021.13.263. (In Russian).
Full article (in Russian): download PDF file
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