Viscometry of nanodisperse magnetic liquids and lubricating oils. 2. Metrological analysis of a device for rheological studies of magnetic nanodisperse liquid media
A.N. Bolotov, O.O. Novikova, V.V. Meshkov
Tver State Technical University
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2021.13.056
Original article
Abstract: An analysis is carried out of the main sources of methodological errors of the magnetic rotary viscometer. The analysis allowed to improve design and to eliminate critical modes of the research. Theoretical evaluations of the systematic error of the device showed that the value of the relative measurement error can be brought to a value of less than 1%. The greatest contribution to the systematic error of the device is made by the instability of the temperature regime of the nanofluid under study and by the inaccuracy of determining the height of the liquid layer in contact with the measuring cylinder. The measurement of the viscosity of the reference liquids on the magnetic viscometer showed that experimental values are slightly, by about 0.9% overestimated. Calibration of the device on various reference liquids allowed reducing the total measurement error down to tenths of a percent. The magnetic rotary viscometer can be used in non-standard scientific studies of the structure and rheological characteristics of nanofluids, for operational control of the processes of synthesis of magnetic liquids and certification of magnetic nanofluids intended for technical use.
Keywords: magnetic nanofluid, rheology, viscometer, shear stress, shear rate
- Alexander N. Bolotov – Dr. Sc., Professor, Head of the Applied Physics Department, Tver State Technical University
- Olga O. Novikova – Ph. D., Full Docent, Applied Physics Department, Tver State Technical University
- Vladimir V. Meshkov – Dr. Sc., Full Professor, Technology and Mechanical Engineering Department, Tver State Technical University
Bolotov, A.N. Viscometry of nanodisperse magnetic liquids and lubricating oils. 2. Metrological analysis of a device for rheological studies of magnetic nanodisperse liquid media / A.N. Bolotov, O.O. Novikova, V.V. Meshkov // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2021. — I. 13. — P. 56-64. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2021.13.056. (In Russian).
Full article (in Russian): download PDF file
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