Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials
Founded at 2009

Structural-phase states of the multicomponent alloy nanoparticles AlCuNiCoCrFe produced by of joint exploding wires

K.V. Suliz, A.V. Pervikov

Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of Siberian Branch of RAS

DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2023.15.851

Original article

Abstract: In this work, for the first time, samples of nanoparticles of the multicomponent AlCuNiCoCrFe alloy were obtained by the method of joint electric explosion of wires of Al, Cu, Ni metals and N06003, NiCo29-18 alloys in an argon atmosphere. As the basic mode of wire explosion, a mode close to the matched one was chosen, which made it possible to minimize the influence of the energy of the arc stage of the discharge on the structural-phase state of the forming nanoparticles. It is shown that the obtained samples are represented by spherical particles with sizes ranging from 15 to 500 nm. The number-average size of nanoparticles of the obtained samples varies from 40 to 58 nm. The particle size distribution is described by a normal-logarithmic law, the crystal structure of the particles corresponds to substitutional solid solutions with a bcc and/or fcc lattice. An increase in the Al content in the explosion products leads to an increase in the content of the phase with a bcc lattice in the samples, while an increase in the Cu content leads to an increase in the phase with a fcc lattice. The resulting samples can be used in electrocatalysis.

Keywords: nanoparticles, high-entropy alloys, structural-phase state, electric explosion, current, voltage, powder

  • Konstantin V. Suliz – 4th year postgraduate student, Junior Researcher. Laboratory of Nanobioengineering, Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of Siberian Branch of RAS
  • Alexander V. Pervikov – Ph. D., Researcher, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Ultrafine Materials, Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of Siberian Branch of RAS


Suliz, K.V. Structural-phase states of the multicomponent alloy nanoparticles AlCuNiCoCrFe produced by of joint exploding wires / K.V. Suliz, A.V. Pervikov // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2023. — I. 15. — P. 851-860. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2023.15.851. (In Russian).

Full article (in Russian): download PDF file


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