Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials
Founded at 2009

Contribution of the dispersion interaction to the interface energy of cobalt crystals at the boundary with nonpolar organic liquids

A.M. Apekov1, I.G. Shebzukhova2

1 NorthCaucasus Federal University
2 Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov

DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2023.15.231

Short communication

Abstract: The active implementation of devices based on the use of the properties of the metalorganic interface makes it important to study characteristics of such interfaces, especially of the metalorganic framework structures. The of these structures with the necessary properties is possiblesince one can vary the elemental composition in the  active metal centers as well as the organic ligandsbinding these centers. In this regard, understanding the  properties and nature of the interaction at the interface of a metal with organic substances becomes of primary interest. In this work, within the framework of the electron-statistical method, a correction to the interfacial energy of cobalt at the interface with non-polar organic liquids for the dispersion interaction of the Wigner-Seitz cells is obtained. The dependences of the dispersion correction on the orientation of the metal crystal and the permittivity of the organic liquid are determined. It is shown that the contribution of the dispersion correction to the interfacial energy is positive and decreases with an increase of the permittivity of the liquid.

Keywords: interfacial energy, dispersion contribution, electron-statistical method, non-polar organic liquid, cobalt

  • Aslan M. Apekov – Ph. D., Deputy Director, North-Caucasus Center for Mathematical Research, NorthCaucasus Federal University
  • Irina G. Shebzukhova – Dr. Sc., Full Professor, Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov


Apekov, A.M. Contribution of the dispersion interaction to the interface energy of cobalt crystals at the boundary with nonpolar organic liquids / A.M. Apekov, I.G. Shebzukhova // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2023. — I. 15. — P. 231-238. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2023.15.231. (In Russian).

Full article (in Russian): download PDF file


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30. Shebzukhova I.G., Apekov A.M. Vklad dispersionnogo vzaimodejstviya s-sfer v mezhfaznuyu energiyu kristallov α - Li i α - Na na granitse s nepolyarnymi organicheskimi zhidkostyami [Contribution of dispersion interaction of s-spheres into the interfacial energy of α - Li and α - Na crystals bounding non-polar organic liquid boundary], Fiziko-khimicheskie aspekty izucheniya klasterov, nanostruktur i nanomaterialov [Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials], 2017, issue 9, pp. 518-521. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2017.9.518.
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32. Shebzukhova I.G., Apekov A.M., Khokonov Kh.B. Anisotropy of the interface energy of IA and IB metals at a boundary with organic liquids, Bulletin of Russian Academy of Science. Physics, 2016, vol. 80, issue 6, pp. 657-659. DOI: 10.3103/S1062873816060307.

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