Thickness of the surface layer of as-class hydrocarbons
V.M. Yurov, V.S. Portnov, A.D. Mausymbayeva
Karaganda Technical University
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2022.14.331
Original article
Abstract: The aim of the work is to build a model of the surface layer of objects (crystals) and to elucidate the role of surface energy in physical processes occurring in the nanoscale region. Frame hydrocarbons of the adamantane type, which have a highly symmetrical diamond-like structure, were chosen as objects. On the basis of an empirical model, the thickness of the surface layer and the surface energy of framework hydrocarbons were determined for the first time. In practice, this is very important, since all physical and chemical processes significant in operation occur through the surface layer. For adamantane, the thickness of this layer is 21.6 nm, and for diamond it is 8.2 nm, that is, they represent a nanostructure. Such a difference in the thickness of the surface layer of the two types of structures causes their sharp difference in their properties, in particular, in their surface energy, which determines their mechanical properties. For adamantane, the surface energy is 378.7 mJ/m2, and for diamond it is 9400 mJ/m2. In practice, researchers have found that under shock-wave action, the degree of adamantane→diamond transformation is almost 30%. The work of adhesion for frame hydrocarbons is 400–500 mJ/m2, and internal stresses are 35–45 MPa, which in the surface layer lead to a decrease in adhesive strength and the inverse Hall-Petch effect.
Keywords: surface layer, nanostructure, surface energy, atomic volume, size effect, hydrocarbon, adamantane, diamond, empirical model
- Viktor M. Yurov – Ph. D., Associate Professor, Deposits of minerals Department, Karaganda Technical University
- Vasily S. Portnov – Dr. Sc., Professor, Deposits of minerals Department, Karaganda Technical University
- Aliya D. Mausymbayeva – Ph. D., Associate Professor, Deposits of minerals Department, Karaganda Technical University
Yurov, V.M. Thickness of the surface layer of as-class hydrocarbons / V.M. Yurov, V.S. Portnov, A.D. Mausymbayeva // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2022. — I. 14. — P. 331-341. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2022.14.331. (In Russian).
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