Properties of nanographite formed by plasma deposition and subsequent heat treatment
E.P. Neustroev, A.R. Prokopiev
M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Russia
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2019.11.629
Abstract: The properties of nanographite flakes formed by the plasma deposition of methane CH4 on the SiO2 surface and subsequent heat treatment at 650°C were studied using Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and electrical measurements. From the results of studies, the formation of a carbon nanocrystalline structure with domain sizes of about 1,7 nm and a thickness of up to several nanometers was established.
Keywords: Plasma deposition, methane, heat treatment, nanographite, conductivity mechanism.
Bibliography link:
Neustroev, E.P. Properties of nanographite formed by plasma deposition and subsequent heat treatment / E.P. Neustroev, A.R. Prokopiev // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials: Interuniversity collection of proceedings / Ed. by V.M. Samsonov, N.Yu. Sdobnyakov. – Tver: TSU, 2019. – I. 11. – P. 629-635.
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