Editor’s column
Sorption of heavy metals from aqueous solutions with synthetic zeolites
S.A. Bibanaeva, V.M. Skachkov
Institute of Solid State Chemistry of the Ural Branch of RAS
Keywords: wastewater treatment, synthetic zeolite, sorption, heavy metals, aluminosilicate
Synthesis and investigation of functional characteristics of composite materials based on nanoscale hydroxyapatite and synthetic zeolites
S.A. Bibanaeva, E.A. Bogdanova, V.M. Skachkov
Institute of Solid State Chemistry of the Ural Branch of RAS
Keywords: hydroxyapatite, synthetic zeolites, composite materials, microhardness, sorption
Formation of copper clusters in the process of biocorrosion of aluminum alloys by microscopic fungi
D.V. Belov1,2, S.N. Belyaev1,2, P.A. Yunin2, A.A. Nazarov2
1 Federal Research Center A.V. GaponovGrekhov Institute of Applied Physics of the RAS
2 The Institute for Physics of Microstructures – branch of the IAP RAS
Keywords: biocorrosion, microbiological corrosion, aluminum alloys D16T, AMg6, zerovalent aluminum, zerovalent copper, microscopic fungi, reactive oxygen species, superoxide anion radical, hydrogen peroxide, copper clusters
Improving the sensor characteristics of binary and ternary oxide nanosystems
Z.V. Shomakhov1, S.S. Nalimova2, A.A. Rybina2, S.S. Buzovkin2, Z.Kh. Kalazhokov1, V.A. Moshnikov2
1 KabardinoBalkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov
2 Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI»
Keywords: gas sensors, metal oxides, nanomaterials, zinc oxide, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, adsorption centers
Surface topology of mixing entropy after two-pulse laser ablation of stainless steel
D.D. Tumarkina1, O.Ya. Butkovskii1, A.V. Bolachkov1, A.A. Burtsev2
1 Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs
2 Institute on Laser and Information Technologies of Russian Academy of Sciences – Branch of Federal Scientific Research Center «Crystallography and Photonics» of Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: two-pulse laser ablation, dendritic crystals, high-entropy alloys, entropy of mixing, entropy conductivity
Structural-phase states of the multicomponent alloy nanoparticles CoMoFeNiCu produce by of joint exploding wires
K.V. Suliz1, N.Yu.. Sdobnyakov2, A.V. Pervikov1
1 Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of Siberian Branch of RAS
2 Tver State University
Keywords: nanoparticles, high-entropy alloys, exploding wires, catalysis, powder
Structural-phase states of the multicomponent alloy nanoparticles AlCuNiCoCrFe produced by of joint exploding wires
K.V. Suliz, A.V. Pervikov
Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of Siberian Branch of RAS
Keywords: nanoparticles, high-entropy alloys, structural-phase state, electric explosion, current, voltage, powder
Tribological aspects of nanostructured materials
V.V. Stolyarov
Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the RAS
Keywords: slip, wear, friction coefficient, nanostructure, fretting, roughness
Changing the properties of diffusion-hardening solders hardened with titanium, zirconium, and hafnium powders
V.M. Skachkov, L.A. Pasechnik, I.S. Medyankina, N.A. Sabirzyanov
The Institute of Solid State Chemistry of the Ural Branch of RAS
Keywords: composite diffusion-hardening solders, metal powder, titanium, zirconium, hafnium, properties, microhardness, differential thermal analysis
Properties of diffusion-hardening composite solder modified with vanadium powder
V.M. Skachkov
The Institute of Solid State Chemistry of the Ural Branch of RAS
Keywords: composite diffusion-hardening solders, metal powder, properties, microhardness, differential thermal analysis, vanadium