Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials
Founded at 2009

Articles archive – Issue 12 (2020)

Foreword – page 7


Bazzal K., Alekseenko N.A., Voropay E.S., Kovalenko M.N., Trinh N.H., Zajogin A.P.
Spectral studies of the processes of aluminum nanopowder formation exposed by short series of twin laser pulses in the air atmosphere – page 8

Barabanova E.V., Ospelnikov N.M., Ivanova A.I.
Electrophysical properties of solid solutions NaNb1-xFexO3-δ (x=0; 0,1; 0,2) – page 16

Blinov A.V., Kravtsov A.A., Raffa V.V., Kramarenko V.N., Krandievsky S.O., Maglakelidze D.G., Blinova A.A.
Influence of synthesis conditions on aggregative stability of Ag alcosols – page 25

Blinov A.V., Maglakelidze D.G., Kravtsov A.A., Blinova A.A., Gvozdenko A.A., Golik A.B., Raffa V.V., Konovalova E.V.
Influence of active acidity of the medium on the stability of MnO2 nanoparticles – page 33

Bolshakova N.N., Zaviyalova S.D., Nekrasova G.M., Semenova E.M.
Effects of niobium-doping on the dielectric and switching properties of barium titanate crystals – page 42

Dementev P.A., Lapushkin M.N.
Changes in the structure of gold nanoparticles on the tungsten surface caused by heating – page 53

Efremov V.V., Shcherbina O.B., Palatnikov M.N.
Electric conductivity at room temperature in Li0,12Na0,88Ta0,25Nb0,75O3 synthesized at a high pressure – page 61

Ivanov D.V., Antonov A.S., Semenova E.M., Ivanova A.I., Tretyakov S.A., Sdobnyakov N.Yu.
Obtaining nanosized platinum films with fractal properties – page 73

Ivanov Yu.F., Klopotov A.A., Petrikova E.A., Regina M.E., Tolkachev O.S., Klopotov V.D.
Structural-phase state of silumin of hypereutectic composition irradiated by a pulsed electron beam – page 89

Ivanova A.I., Semenova E.M., Dunaeva G.G., Ovcharenko S.V., Tretyakov S.A., Zigert A.D.
Influence of defects on magnetic characteristics of ferrite-garnet films – page 103

Karamurzov B.S., Kutuev R.A., Ponegev M.Kh., Sozaev V.A., Shermetov A.Kh., Shokarov A.A.
Wetting angle polytermes for lead-sodium melts on refractory metals – page 113

Kasumov Yu.N., Manukyants A.R., Sozaev V.A., Khubolov B.M.
Phase formation in contact layers during contact melting of copper and aluminum – page 120

Kramynin S.P.
The size dependencies of properties of Mo-W alloy of equiatomic composition – page 128

Malashenko V.V., Malashenko T.I.
The effect of nanoscale defects on the dynamic yield stress of alloys – page 136

Palatnikov M.N., Sidorov N.V., Kadetova A.V., Teplyakova N.A., Makarova O.V.
Concentration threshold in LiNbO3:Tb crystals – page 142

Semenova E.M., Lyakhova M.B., Ivanov D.V., Kuznetsova Y.V., Karpenkov D.Yu., Ivanova A.I., Karpenkov A.Yu., Sinkevich A.I., Antonov A.S., Sdobnyakov N.Yu.
Effects of low-temperature treatment on magnetic properties of Sm(Co, Cu, Fe)5 compounds – page 149

Sigaev A.P., Averin I.A., Karmanov A.A., Pronin I.A., Yakushova N.D.
Study of adsorption properties of nanostructured films based on tin dioxide – page 162

Spivak Yu.M., Castro R.A., Sevryugina M.P., Kuznetsova M.A., Moshnikov V.A.
Dielectric relaxation in POR – Si layers at low frequencies – page 170

Starodub O.R., Voskresenskii V.M., Sidorov N.V., Palatnikov M.N.
Influence of a doping ion on the processes of defect formation in simulated lithium niobate clusters – page 180

Tvardovskiy A.V., Zaytsev D.S., Fomkin A.A.
Change of thermodynamic characteristics of the carbon adsorbent FAS-3 at adsorption of benzene – page 190

Teplyakova N.A., Sidorov N.V., Palatnikov M.N.
Calculation of the point defect concentration of the cation sublattice and hydroxyl groups in lithium niobate crystals of different composition – page 200

Titov R.A., Voskresenskiy V.M., Sidorov N.V., Teplyakova N.A., Palatnikov M.N.
Simulation of structure of LiNbO3 crystals grown with using of B2O3 flux – page 206

Khubolov B.M.
Electric crystallization of thin films of sodium – tungsten bronze – page 213

Shomakhov Z.V., Nalimova S.S., Kalazhokovv Z.Kh., Moshnikov V.A.
Analysis of changes in the surface composition during formation of zinc stannate nanostructures – page 222

Yasnaya M.A., Blinov A.V., Blinova A.A., Shevchenko I.M., Maglakelidze D.G., Senkova A.O.
Determination of optimal modes for measuring the size of colloidal particles by photon-correlation spectroscopy and acoustic spectroscopy – page 232


Aref`eva L.P., Shebzukhova I.G.
The influence of surface and interphase characteristics on the behavior of the phase diagram of nanoparticles of the paladium-platinum alloy – page 243

Malyshev M.D., Pakhomov P.M., Komarov P.V.
Using of sticky sphere model for qualitative reproduction of basic phase transitions of cysteine-silver solution – page 252

Myasnichenko V.S., Sdobnyakov N.Yu., Bazulev A.N., Ershov P.M., Davydenkova E.M.
Size dependences of linear expansion and volume elasticity of mono- and bimetallic nanoclusters – page 260

Myasnichenko V.S., Ershov P.M., Bogdanov S.S., Savina K.G., Matrenin P.S., Sdobnyakov N.Yu.
Crystallization of bimetallic nanoparticles: effect of atomic size mismatch and external pressure – page 274

Pyansin D.V., Pan’kin N.A., Chaldyshkin A.N., Chistyakov N.I.
To the problem of determining the coefficient of thermal expansion of materials – page 284

Romanovskii V.I., Kolosov A.Yu., Khort A.A., Myasnichenko V.S., Podbolotov K.B., Savina K.G., Sokolov D.N., Romanovskaia E.V., Sdobnyakov N.Yu.
Features of Cu – Ni nanoparticle synthesis: experiment and computer simulation – page 293

Samsonov V.M., Talyzin I.V.
To the problem of stability of nanoscale island films and extended films with nanosized thickness – page 310

Shebzukhova I.G., Aref`eva L.P.
Estimation of the polarization and dispersion corrections to the surface energy of the faces of metal crystals – page 319


Belenkov M.E., Chernov V.M.
Ab initio calculations of the crystalline and electronic structure of 5-7 fluorographene varieties – page 326

Belov A.N., Turovtsev V.V., Orlov Yu.D.
Measures of the basis efficiency in the internal rotation problem – page 338

Belyaeva I.N., Kirichenko I.K., Ptashnyi O.D., Chekanova N.N., Yarkho T.A.
Normalization of classical hamiltonian systems with two degrees of freedom – page 348

Belyakova R.M., Polukhin V.A.
Hydrogen permeability through tantalum alloys allowed with Nb and W – page 356

Vysotsky Yu.B., Kartashynska E.S.
pKA change of saturated carboxylic acids and amines during their dimerization at the air/water interface. Quantum-chemical approach – page 370

Gafner Yu.Ya., Gafner S.L., Kulikova Yu.A.
Some new results of modeling the processes of the gas-phase synthesis of Cu – Au nanoparticles – page 384

Gvozdenko A.A., Blinov A.V., Yasnaya M.A., Golik A.B., Raffa V.V., Kramarenko V.N., Maglakelidze D.G., Shevchenko I.M.
Computer quantum-chemical simulation of multicomponent SiO2 – MexOy systems – page 394

Greshnyakov V.A., Belenkov E.A.
Structure and stability of a tetragonal diamond-like layer: first-principle calculations – page 405

Zhuravkov M.A., Nagorny Yu.E., Politaev D.N.
Comparative analysis of results of numerical modeling of mechanical behavior of graphene and silicene in the frames of common harmonic field – page 415

Ivanov D.V., Vasilyev S.A., Sdobnyakov N.Yu., Romanovskaia E.V., Anofriev V.A., Koshelev V.A., Antonov A.S.
Simulation of the fractal metal films formation – page 424

Kotomkin A.V., Rusakova N.P., Turovtsev V.V., Orlov Yu.D.
Electron parameters of the structural isomers of k,k-difluorooctane – page 438

Mavrinskii V.V., Belenkov E.A.
Graphyne layers formed on the basis of 5 – 7 graphene layers – page 446

Polukhin V.A., Sidorov N.I., Belyakova R.M.
Hydrogen permeability of amorphous, nano- and crystalline alloys based on iron and nickel – page 457

Puitov V.V., Talyzin I.V., Vasilyev S.A., Samsonov V.M.
Generation of initial configurations of metal nanocluster isomers: algorithms and their approbation – page 474

Gafner Yu.Ya., Ryzhkova D.A.
Thermal stability of small fcc-magic size silver clusters structure with the initial amorphous configuration – page 486

Ryashentsev D.S., Belenkov E.A.
Investigation of new polymorphic varieties of boron nitride with diamond-like structures – page 493

Sdobnyakov N.Yu., Myasnichenko V.S., Savina K.G., Kolosov A.Yu., Veselov A.D., Bazulev A.N., Grigoryev R.E., Sokolov D.N.
Study of internal nanoporous structure and external surface of bimetallic nanoparticles – page 504


Bazzal K., Alekseenko N.A., Voropay E.S., Kovalenko M.N., Patapovich M.P., Zajogin A.P.
Spectral studies of the Al2O3 and AlN nanopowder formation exposed aluminum by a series of twin laser pulses in the air atmosphere – page 516

Bogdanova E.A., Skachkov V.M.
Investigation of rheological properties of hydroxyapatite and fluorapatite in colloidal state – page 525

Bogdanova E.A., Veretennikova I.A.
Investigation of sintering features of ceramic materials based on hydroxyapatite and its substituted forms – page 535

Bolotov A.N., Novikova O.O., Novikov V.V.
Silicone magnetic nanofluids adapted for the conditions of boundary friction – page 546

Bolotov A.N., Novikova O.O.
Mobile magnetometer for rapid test of saturation magnetization of magnetic nanofluids – page 557

Giniyatullin I.M., Bogdanova E.A., Nefedova K.V.
Development of composite materials based on nanoscale hydroxyapatite reinforced with aluminum and zirconium oxides – page 571

Davydova A.A., Raksha E.V., Oskolkova O.N., Gnatovskaja V.V., Sukhov P.V., Padun O.M., Glazunova V.A., Burkhovetskij V.V., Volkova G.K., Berestneva Yu.V., Savoskin M.V.
Few-layer graphene particles based on thermally expanded cointercalate of graphite nitrate with acetic and formic acids – page 580

Devitskiy O.V., Kravtsov A.A., Pashchenko A.S., Sysoev I.A.
Influence of thermal annealing on the structure and optical properties of thin aluminum nitride films on sapphire – page 591

Zernitsa D.A., Shepelevich V.G.
The structure formation of rapidly solidified foil of the eutectic alloy Sn – 8,8 wt. % Zn – page 601

Izmailov V.V., Novoselova M.V.
Some statistical distributions, which describe the nanotopography of technical surfaces – page 609

Kravtsov A.A., Devitskiy O.V., Kuleshov D.S., Pashchenko A.S.
The microstructure of polymer functional coatings with silver nanoparticles for solar cells – page 617

Malinskiy T.V., Mikolutskiy S.I., Rogalin V.E., Khomich Yu.V., Yamshchikov V.A., Kaplunov I.A., Ivanova A.I.
Modification of silicon surface under influence of radiation of a nanosecond ultraviolet laser – page 628

Malkanduev Yu.A., Kokoevа A.A.
Investigation of optical properties of water-soluble electrolytes based on α-amino acids – page 637

Malyshkina O.V., Ivanova A.I., Patsuev K.V.
Effect of the synthesis temperature on the structure of sodium-lithium niobate ceramics – page 644

Malyshkina O.V., Ivanova A.I., Karelina K.S., Petrov R.A.
Structure features of barium and calcium titanate ceramics – page 652

Mustafaev G.A., Mustafaev A.G., Panchenko V.A., Cherkesova N.V.
Development of a logical element based on polyphenylene molecules – page 662

Pan’kin N.A., Sigachev A.F., Mishkin V.P.
Investigation of pressing diagrams during molding a mixture of copper powders and silicon carbide – page 672

Pasechnik L.A., Bibanaeva S.A., Medyankina I.S., Yatsenko S.P.
Mechanism and kinetics of neutralization of copper-containing solutions with modified red slurries of alumina production – page 681

Pereverzev D.I., Bogdanova E.A., Nefedova K.V.
Creating biocomposites based on nano-sized hydroxyapatite doped with zirconium oxide and calcium fluoride – page 697

Sverdlik G.I., Ataeva A.Yu., Ataev A.A.
Procedure for determining hydraulic jet barbotter resistance for collecting fine dust – page 706

Sinev I.V., Klychkov N.A., Timoshenko D.A., Simakov V.V.
Illumination effect on recognition ability of multisensor microsystems based on tin oxide nanowhiskers – page 713

Skachkov V.M., Pasechnik L.A., Yatsenko S.P.
Study of properties of diffusion-hardening composite solder GaSn – CuSn – Mo – page 722

Timoshenko D.A., Sinev I.V., Simakov V.V.
Design of gas sensor based on tin oxide nanowhiskers – page 731

Khubolov B.M.
Electrochemical synthesis of tungsten oxide bronze powders – page 738

Yurov V.M., Makhanov K.M., Portnov V.S.
Nanostructures in the thin layer of coal substance – page 746

5. NANOCHEMISTRY – page 758

Alekseenko N.A., Kovalenko M.N., Markova L.V., Zajogin A.P.
Processes of formation of nanodisperse Al2O3 powders with carbon in a dc electric arc – page 758

Alemasova N.V., Sukhova S.R., Kravchenko V.V., Zozulya M.A., Prokofieva L.A., Burkhovetskiy V.V., Savoskin M.V.
Sonication impact on the structure of graphite oxide reduced by thiourea – page 765

Bakhvalova E.S., Nikoshvili L.Zh., Bykov A.V., Sidorov A.I., Kiwi-Minsker L.L.
Influence of the aromatic polymeric matrix type on stability of nanosized palladium catalysts in Suzuki reaction – page 775

Bibanaeva S.A., Pasechnik L.A., Skachkov V.M., Surikov V.T., Yatsenko S.P.
Effect of metal additives in hydrochemical processing of diaspore-bemite bauxite on physicochemical properties of reduced muds – page 784

Gyrdasova O.I., Pasechnik L.A., Krasil’nikov V.N., Surikov V.T., Kuznetsov M.V.
Sorption and photocatalytic activity of Zn1-xCuxO (x = 0,05 and 0,15) to As(III) in an alkaline medium – page 792

Ivanov Yu.F., Petrikova E.A., Lykov S.V., Denisova Ju.A., Teresov A.D., Tolkachev O.S.
Structure and properties of the surface layer high chrome austenitic steel, submitted to ion-plasma nitrogen – page 805

Kovtun A.I.
Adsorption and dilational rheological properties of chitosan lactate at the liquid-gas interface – page 816

Korabel M.D., Sinev I.V., Shikunov D.A., Klychkov N.A., Timoshenko D.A., Simakov V.V.
Principles of creating a virtual multi-sensor system for recognition gas mixtures – page 827

Kuznetsov Yu.A., Lapushkin M.N.
Electron-stimulated desorption of potassium atoms adsorbed on the surface of gold – page 836

Malkanduev Yu.A., Begieva M.B., Kokoevа A.A., Mikitaev A.K., Dzhalilov A.T.
Chemical transformations of copolymers of acrylic acid α–haloid with N–vinylpyrrolidone – page 845

Menshikov S.Yu., Belozerova K.A., Ostroushko A.A.
Influence of the nanocluster {Mo72Fe30} polyoxometalate on oxidation of iodide–ions by persulfate – page 853

Musskaya O.N., Krut’ko V.K., Kulak A.I.
Synthesis of magnesium phosphates in a polymeric matrix – page 860

Mustafaev G.A., Mustafaev A.G., Panchenko V.A., Cherkesova N.V.
Method of ionic mixing for silicide layer formation – page 868

Simonov Ya.I., Skvortsova Z.N., Traskin V.Yu.
Calcite powder deformation in the presence of aqueous solutions of various composition – page 875

Tonkushina M.O., Gagarin I.D., Russkikh O.V., Belozerova K.A., Ostroushko A.A.
Destruction of polyoxometalate {Mo72Fe30} as a transport agent in blood simulating media, its stabilization by albumin – page 885

6. PERSONALIA – page 893

Malyshkina O.V.
In memory of Rostislav Mikhailovich Grechishkin (1941–2020) – page 893