Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials
Founded at 2009

Articles archive – Issue 11 (2019)

Foreword – page 5

Alemasova N.V., Savoskin M.V., Vdovichenko A.N., Prokofieva L.A.
Limitations in titrimetric determination of acid groups in graphite oxide – page 6

Aref`eva L.P., Shebzukhova I.G., Sakhno T.A., Shakova L.S.
Application of atomic-force microscopy for investigation of anisotropy of interphacial energy on the boundary of the metal-oriented substrate – page 16

Ashkhotov O.G., Ashkhotova I.B., Aleroev M.A., Krimshokalova D.A.
Electron-stimulated oxygen adsorption on the surface of metals and semiconductors – page 26

Bagrysheva I.S., Bolshakova N.N., Ivanova A.I., Rumyancev V.S., Semenova E.M.
Deuterated triglicine sulfate crystals switching processes – page 40

Bazzal K., Voropay Е.S., Zajogin А.P., Patapovich М.P.
Spectral studies of the defocusing effect on the AlO and AlN formation processes when D16T aluminum alloy is subjected to double laser pulses in air – page 48

Bazzal K., Voropay Е.S., Zajogin А.P., Patapovich М.P.
Investigation of the channel-form effect on the formation processes of AlN and AlO nanoclusters in plasma when aluminum target is subjected to series of double laser pulses in air – page 57

Bakhvalova E.S., Nikoshvili L.Zh., Matveeva V.G., Kiwi-Minsker L.
Palladium nanoparticles stabilized in aromatic polymeric environment – highly active ligandless catalysts of Suzuki cross-coupling – page 65

Belyakova R.M., Piven V.A., Sidorov N.I., Polukhin V.A.
Influence of Ti – H hydrides on interatomic interactions and on characteristics of Ti alloying membrane alloys based on V – Ni – page 74

Bernatskii D.P., Pavlov V.G.
Field electron emission from nanostrutured surface of carbonized iridium – page 86

Bernatskii D.P., Pavlov V.G.
Cesium field desorption for visualization of graphite nanostructures on the surface of a rhenium field emitter – page 91

Bobreva L.A., Masloboeva S.M., Sidorov N.V., Palatnikov M.N.
The effect of Mg and Fe dopants on concentration of complex defects associated with OH – groups in the lithium niobate crystal – page 97

Burtsev A.A., Butkovskii O.Ya.
Analysis of crystal structures on stainless steel surface – page 107

Dyshekova A.Kh., Karmokov A.M., Bzhikhatlov K.Ch.
Interfacial characteristics of potassium and sodium chlorides doped with silver, tin and copper on the boundary with liquid lead – page 115

Eguzhokova R.M., Ivanova A.I., Semenova E.M.
Domain structure and magnetic transport properties on thin ferrite-garnet films – page 123

Efremov V.V., Palatnikov M.N., Shcherbina O.B.
Comparative study of electrophysical characteristics of ceramic and monocrystalline lithium tantalate – page 129

Ivanov D.V., Antonov A.S., Sdobnyakov N.Yu., Semenova E.M., Scopich V.L., Romanovskaia E.V., Afanasiev M.S.
Fractal properties of nanosized films of nickel and chromium – page 138

Izmailov V.V., Novoselova M.V.
On the ratio of diffusive and ballistic components of electrical contact resistance on micro- and nanoscale levels – page 153

Kiseleva M.A., Sokovnin S.Yu., Balezin M.E.
Production and characterization of Al2O3 + Ag composite nanopowders – page 161

Knatko M.V., Lapushkin M.N.
Study of methenamine adsorption on intermetallic NaAu2 by the surface ionization – page 169

Kokoeva A.A., Begieva M.B., Malkanduev Yu.A., Dokshukina M.A.
Conductometric method for determining the conductivity of polyelectrolyte solutions – page 177

Kuznetsov Yu.A., Lapushkin M.N.
Electron-stimulated desorption of lithium atoms from oxygen monolayer covered tungsten – page 184

Malashenko V.V., Malashenko T.I.
Features of dislocation dynamics in near-surface nanoregion of crystal – page 192

Malyshkina O.V., Tesnikova E.S., Malysheva N.E., Ivanova A.I.
Structural features of sodium – lithium niobat ceramics – page 198

Milekhin Yu.M., Koptelov A.A., Koptelov I.A., Rogozina A.A.
Thermal decomposition kinetics of an energy composite material on the basis of inert binding – page 206

Ostroushko A.A., Russkikh O.V., Gagarin I.D., Filonova E.A.
Study of the charge generation in the synthesis of nanosized complex oxides in the combustion reactions of organo-inorganic precursors – page 215

Sidorov N.V., Teplyakova N.A., Titov R.A., Palatnikov M.N.
Influence of boron on structural features and photorefractive properties of LiNbO3 single crystals – page 223

Starodub O.R., Voskresenskij V.M., Sidorov N.V., Palatnikov M.N.
Analysis of cluster formation in modeled lithium niobate crystals – page 232

Teplyakova N.A., Sidorov N.V., Palatnikov M N.
Photorefractive properties and optical uniformity of crystals LiNbO3 (6,0 wt. % K2O) – page 241

Khil’ko S.L., Rogatko M.I., Makarova R.A., Semenova R.G.
Using the dilatational rheology method for analysis of nanosized systems – page 249

Khubolov B.M., Podlinov V.P.
Features of the electrochromium effect in complex transition metal oxides – page 259

Shishulin A.V., Shishulina A.V.
Several peculiarities of high-temperature phase equilibria in nanoparticles of the Six – Ge1-x system – page 268

Shomakhov Z.V., Molokanov O.A., Karmokov A.M.
On special features of studying electric conductivity in special electron optics glasses – page 277

Belyaeva I.N., Kirichenko I.K., Ptashnyi O.D., Chekanova N.N., Chekanov N.A., Yarkho T.A.
The computer – assisted solution of the one – dimensional Schrödinger equation taking into account tunneling effects – page 283

Belyaeva I.N., Chekanov N.A., Kirichenko I.K., Chekanova N.N.
Accounting of tunneling effects when calculating the energy spectrum of the Schrödinger equation – page 291

Blinov A.V., Gvozdenko A.A., Yasnaya M.A., Golik A.B., Blinova А.A., Shevchenko I.M., Kramarenko V.N.
Effect of synthesis parameters on dimensional characteristics of Fe3O4 nanoparticles: neural-network research – page 298

Kiselev V.M., Golovanova O.A.
Application of the fractal theory for studying brushit crystallization process in the presence of additives – page 307

Kramynin S.P.
Change in the baric dependences of the thermophysical properties of a niobium nanocrystal with a change in size – page 315

Musskaya O.N., Krut’ko V.K., Kulak A.I., Nasan A.A., Hvesenya S.S., Dobysh V.A., Tarasevich V.A., Budeiko N.L., Sycheva O.A.
Three-dimensional models based on polylactide and hydroxyapatite – page 326

Nagorny Y.E.
Numerical simulation of mechanical behavior of silicene in a general harmonic filed model – page 336

Polukhin V.A., Belyakova R.M.
The specifics of the formation of Friauf cluster structures, 2D – packaging of the kagome and Laves phases during the hydrogenation of titanium alloys. Kinetics of hydrogen – page 345

Rybina S.S., Tretyakov S.A.
Modeling process of distribution of light flow in the environment with diffusing centers – page 356

Talyzin I.V., Kartoshkin A.Yu., Vasilyev S.A., Samsonov M.V., Samsonov V.M.
On phase diagram of Au-Si nanoalloy: molecular dynamics and thermodynamic simulation – page 364

Chesnokova N.A., Gushchina A.S., Kuranova N.N.
Thermodynamics of complex formation of copper (II) with isonicotinamide and acid-basic equilibrium of ligand in water-organic solutions – page 374

Shishulin A.V., Shishulina A.V.
Equilibrium phase composition and mutual solubilities in fractal nanoparticles of the W – Cr heavy pseudo-alloy – page 380

Yurov V.M.
Thickness of the surface layer of atomic-smooth crystals – page 389

Baburkin P.O., Malyshev M.D., Ivanov V.A, Komarov P.V.
Can the crystallization of conjugated polymers be taken into account in simple mesoscopic models? – page 398

Belenkov M.E., Chernov V.M.
Crystal and electronic structure of 3-12 graphene functionalized by fluorine – page 406

Blinov A.V., Yasnaya M.A., Blinova A.A., Shevchenko I.M., Momot E.V., Gvozdenko A.A., Senkova A.O.
Computer quantum-chemical simulation of polymeric stabilization of silver nanoparticles – page 414

Bogdanov S.S., Myasnichenko V.S., Kolosov A.Yu., Sokolov D.N., Akimova Yu.N., Antonov A.S., Sdobnyakov N.Yu.
The features of the crystallization process in bimetallic nanostructures under external pressure – page 422

Vasilyev S.A., Kartoshkin A.Yu., Samsonov M.V., Dyakova E.V.
Melting of binary metal nanowires: molecular dynamics simulation – page 431

Vasilyev S.A., Romanov A.A., Vostrov N.V., Skopich V.L., Savina K.G.
Molecular dynamics study of size dependences of melting and crystallization heats of platinum and palladium nanoclusters – page 436

Gafner Yu.Ya., Ryzhkova D.A., Zamulin I.S.
Estimating copper and gold nanoalloy applicability as an active layer of phase-inverse memory cells – page 443

Gafner Yu.Ya., Gafner S.L.
Influence of chemical composition on the size of Cu – Au nanoparticles synthesized from the gas phase – page 449

Greshnyakov V.A., Belenkov E.A.
Phase transformations of LA3 and LA5 diamond polymorphs – page 458

Kartashynska E.S., Vysotsky Yu.B.
Quantum-chemical analysis of dimerization thermodynamics for carboxylic acids and aliphatic amines at the air/water interface – page 466

Kotomkin A.V., Rusakova N.P., Turovtsev V.V., Orlov Yu.D.
Steric effect in difluorinealcane molecules – page 478

Myasnichenko V.S., Samsonov V.M., Sdobnyakov N.Yu., Bembel A.G., Vasilyev S.A., Kolosov A.Yu., Savina K.G., Ershov P.M., Sokolov D.N.
Computer models of dealloying in binary metal nanoparticles – page 487

Myasnichenko V.S., Kolosov A.Yu., Shcherbatykh K.R., Sdobnyakov N.Yu.
Simulation of diffusion near the interface of metals in nanoalloys Co – M (M = Au, Cu, Pt) – page 500

Ryashentsev D.S., Belenkov E.A.
Ab initio calculations of the structure and electronic properties of BN layered compounds from sp- and sp2– hybritized atoms – page 511

Sdobnyakov N.Yu., Samsonov V.M., Kolosov A.Yu., Vasilyev S.A., Myasnichenko V.S., Sokolov D.N., Savina K.G., Veselov A.D.
To the problem of stability/instability of bimetallic structures Co (core)/ Au (shell) and Au (core)/ Co (shell): atomistic simulation – page 520

Ashkhotov O.G., Ashkhotova I.B., Aleroev M.A., Krimshokalova D.A.
Influence of heat treatment on the condition of thin-film system Cr + Ni on silicon – page 535

Bashkaykina A.N., Pan’kin N.A., Mishkin V.P.
Research of Al – SiC and Cu – SiC systems after forming of powder mixture – page 540

Bogdanova E.A., Giniyatullin I.М., Pereverzev D.I., Razgulyaeva V.М.
Influence of reinforcement additives on sintering and hardening processes of nanoscale hydroxyapatite – page 548

Bolotov A.N., Novikova O.O.
Lubrication properties of magnetic nanoliquids based on carboxylic acids – page 555

Bolotov A.N, Novikova O.O
Magnetic properties of the magnetic nanodispersed lubricant oils – page 564

Devitsky O.V., Kravtsov A.A.
Study of functional coatings of polyvinyl butyral with silver nanoparticles for photovoltaic converters – page 574

Zlygosteva O.A., Sokovnin S.Yu., Ilves V.G.
Managing the textural properties of SiO2, SiO2 – MnO2, CaF2 nanopowders – page 582

Ivanova G.D., Myagotin A.V., Ivanov V.I.
Light induced lens in a transparent dense nanosuspension – page 590

Ivanov Yu.F., Petrikova E.A., Teresov A.D., Tolkachev O.S.
Structure and properties of surface layer of high-chrome austenitic steel borated by combined electron-ion-plasma method – page 596

Klopotov A.A., Ivanov Yu.F., Petrikova E.A., Teresov A.D., Tolkachev O.S., Volokitin O.G., Klopotov V.D.
Saturation of the steal surface by titanium and boron electron-ion-plasma method: phase-structural composition – page 605

Krut’ko V.K., Musskaya O.N., Kulak A.I., Safronova T.V.
Thermal evolution of calcium phosphate foam ceramics obtained on the basis of hydroxyapatite and monocalcium phosphate of monohydrate – page 615

Nazarov A.D., Pan’kin N.A.,.Mishkin V.P.
Research of the powder system «titan – copper» after cold forming – page 624

Neustroev E.P., Prokopiev A R.
Properties of nanographite formed by plasma deposition and subsequent heat treatment – page 629

Petrik G.G.
Intermolecular potential curves – «companions» and forecast on their basis of the critical parameters – page 636

Sarkisov V.V., Logvinovich A.S., Shcherbakova V.B., Sadovskaуa L.Yu., Sviridova Т.V., Kapariha A.V., Sviridov D.V.
Structure and morphology control of metal-matrix composites by using redox-active nanophases – page 645

Skachkov V.М., Pasechnik L.А., Yatsenko S.P.
Low-melting non-toxic alloys as matrices of composite compounds for permanent connection of heterogeneous materials – page 654

Shikunov D.A., Simakov V.V., Sinev I.V., Shcherbakova E.A., Timoshenko D.A.
Recognition of organic vapors in air by variation operation mode of the gas sensor – page 665

Content – page 672