The effect of FeSO4, nanoscale silver and { Mo72Fe30} cluster on the oxidation of ethylene glycol by H2O2
S.Yu. Menshikov1, A.N. Malyshev1,2, V.S. Kurmacheva1, S.A. Fedorov3,1, M.O. Tonkushina2, A.A. Ostroushko2
1 Ural State Mining University
2 Ural Federal University
3 Institute of Metallurgy of Ural Branch of RAS
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2024.16.933
Original article
Abstract: The catalytic properties of FeSO4, nanocluster iron-molybdenum polyoxometalate {Mo72Fe30} and nanoscale metallic silver in the liquid-phase oxidation of the ethylene glycol aqueous solutions by hydrogen peroxide were studied. O-phenylenediamine was added to the reaction mixtures obtained after oxidation to determine the oxidation products containing the aldehyde group. The polyoxometalate {Mo72Fe30} was synthesized by a well-known and widely used in practice two-step method. The colloidal silver solution was obtained using a technique based on the Turkevich method. According to the analysis carried out on a laser particle size analyzer, the majority of the silver particles have a size of about 2 nm. The analysis of unreacted ethylene glycol was carried out by GC-FID. According to the conversion of ethylene glycol, nanoscale metallic silver was found to have the highest activity at approximately the same percentage of catalysts in the initial reaction mixture. At the same time, with the addition of o-phenylenediamine, the presence of compounds with an aldehyde group, whose exit time from the chromatographic column is longer than that of the initial ethylene glycol, was noted among the oxidation products.
Keywords: polyoxometalate, keplerate, FeSO4, nanosized metallic argentum, catalytic properties, oxidation of ethandiole, H2O2
- Sergei Yu. Menshikov – Ph. D., Docent, Chemistry Department, Ural State Mining University
- Alexander N. Malyshev – Engineer and Researcher, Research Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Ural State Mining University, Engineer and Researcher, Department of Physico-Chemical Methods of Analysis Ural Federal University
- Vera S. Kurmacheva – Laboratory Researcher, Research Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Ural State Mining University
- Sergei A. Fedorov – Ph. D., Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Pyrometallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals, Institute of Metallurgy of Ural Branch of RAS, Leading Researcher, Research and Testing Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry Ural State Mining University
- Margarita O. Tonkushina – Ph. D., Senior Researcher, Department of Chemical Materials Science, Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ural Federal University
- Alexander A. Ostroushko – Dr. Sc., Full Professor, Physical and Inorganic Chemistry Department of Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ural Federal University; Chief Researcher and Head of Department of Chemical Materials Science in Scientific Research Institute of Physics and Applied Mathematics of Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ural Federal University
Menshikov, S.Yu. The effect of FeSO4, nanoscale silver and { Mo72Fe30} cluster on the oxidation of ethylene glycol by H2O2 / S.Yu. Menshikov, A.N. Malyshev, V.S. Kurmacheva, S.A. Fedorov, M.O. Tonkushina, A.A. Ostroushko // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2024. — I. 16. — P. 933-941. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2024.16.933. (In Russian).
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