Development and optimization of the synthesis procedure of selenium nanoparticles stabilized by methylcellulose
A.A. Blinova, A.A. Gvozdenko, Z.A. Rehman, A.V. Blinov, M.A. Taravanov, E.D. Nazaretova
North Caucasus Federal University
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2024.16.758
Original article
Abstract: As a result of the work performed, a method for synthesizing selenium nanoparticles stabilized with methylcellulose was developed and optimized. Selenious acid was used as a selenium-containing precursor, ascorbic acid as a reducing agent, and methylcellulose as a stabilizer. A multifactorial experiment was conducted to optimize the method for synthesizing selenium nanoparticles stabilized with methylcellulose. It was found that for the synthesis of selenium nanoparticles with the smallest average hydrodynamic radius, the molar concentration of selenious acid in the solution should be in the range from 0,0036 to 0,1033 mol/l, the mass of methylcellulose – from 3,0 to 3,985 g, the molar concentration of ascorbic acid – from 1,52 to 2,12 mol/l. It is shown that pH of the medium, charge and concentration of sodium and barium ions do not affect the average hydrodynamic radius of selenium nanoparticles stabilized with methylcellulose. However, when exposed to iron ions, the radius increases from 150 to 270 nm. It is established that an increase in the concentration and charge of anions has a significant effect on the average hydrodynamic radius of selenium nanoparticles stabilized with methylcellulose. With an increase in the concentration of chlorine ions from 0,1 to 1 mol/l, an increase in the average hydrodynamic radius of particles occurred from 143 to 156 nm, with an increase in the concentration of sulfate ions from 0,1 to 1 mol/l, an increase in the average hydrodynamic radius of particles – from 165 to 6129 nm, with an increase in the concentration of phosphate ions from 0,1 to 1 mol/l, an increase in the average hydrodynamic radius of particles – from 149 to 17000 nm.
Keywords: selenium, nanoparticles, methylcellulose, average hydrodynamic radius, optimization
- Anastasia A. Blinova – Ph. D., Docent, Department of Physics and Technology of Nanostructures and Materials, Faculty of Physics and Technology, North Caucasus Federal University
- Alexey A. Gvozdenko – Assistant, Department of Physics and Technology of Nanostructures and Material, Faculty of Physics and Technology, North Caucasus Federal University
- Zafar A. Rehman – Assistant, Department of Physics and Technology of Nanostructures and Material, Faculty of Physics and Technology, North Caucasus Federal University
- Andrey V. Blinov – Ph. D., Docent, Department of Physics and Technology of Nanostructures and Materials, Faculty of Physics and Technology, North Caucasus Federal University
- Maxim A. Taravanov – Laboratory Assistant, of the Department of Physics and Technology of Nanostructures and Material, Faculty of Physics and Technology, North Caucasus Federal University
- Ekaterina D. Nazaretova – Laboratory Assistant, Department of Physics and Technology of Nanostructures and Material, Faculty of Physics and Technology, North Caucasus Federal University
Blinova, A.A. Development and optimization of the synthesis procedure of selenium nanoparticles stabilized by methylcellulose / A.A. Blinova, A.A. Gvozdenko, Z.A. Rehman, A.V. Blinov, M.A. Taravanov, E.D. Nazaretova // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2024. — I. 16. — P. 758-766. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2024.16.758. (In Russian).
Full article (in Russian): download PDF file
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