Comparative studies of photoluminescent and optical properties, concentration of OH– groups in double-doped LiNbO3: Er:Zn crystals
L.A. Bobreva1, R.A. Titov1, M.V. Smirnov1, I.V. Biryukova1, S.M. Masloboeva1, A.Yu. Pyatyshev2, O.V. Palatnikova1, N.V. Sidorov1, M.N. Palatnikov1
1 Tananaev Institute of Chemistry – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the RAS»
2 P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the RAS
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2024.16.060
Original article
Abstract: A comparative analysis of the photoluminescent properties, concentration of OH–-groups and optical quality of double-doped crystals obtained from charges of different genesis has been performed. In a LiNbO3:Er(0,53 mol.%):Zn(4,02 mol.%) crystal obtained by solid-phase doping, the content of OH–-groups is higher than in a LiNbO3:Er(0,75 mol.%):Zn(3,82 mol.%) crystal obtained by homogeneous doping. These changes occur as a result of the simultaneous formation of two types of complex defects in the LiNbO3:Er (0,53 mol.%):Zn(4,02 mol.%) crystal structure: ZnNb3--OH and VLi- OH. It has been established that photoluminescence in the visible region is caused by radiative transitions of Er3+ without the manifestation of the host’s own luminescence in the studied crystals. For the LiNbO3:Er:Zn crystal obtained by solid-phase doping, the luminescence intensity is 77% higher than in the crystal obtained by homogeneous doping. This may be due to the participation of OH–-groups in the energy transfer between the host and the Er3+ ions.
Keywords: lithium niobate; double doping; photoluminescence; hydroxyl groups; rare earth and non- photorefractive dopant; point and complex defects
- Lubov’ A. Bobreva – Ph. D., Researcher, Vibrational Spectroscopy Sector of the Electronic Engineering Materials Laboratory, Tananaev Institute of Chemistry – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the RAS»
- Roman A. Titov – Ph. D., Junior Researcher, Vibrational Spectroscopy Sector of the Electronic Engineering Materials Laboratory, Tananaev Institute of Chemistry – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the RAS»
- Maxim V. Smirnov – Ph. D., Researcher, Vibrational Spectroscopy Sector of the Electronic Engineering Materials Laboratory, Tananaev Institute of Chemistry – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the RAS»
- Irina V. Biryukova – Ph. D., Leading Researcher, Materials of the Electronic Engineering Laboratory, Tananaev Institute of Chemistry – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the RAS»
- Sofja M. Masloboeva – Ph. D., Assistant Professor, Leading Researcher, Materials of the Electronic Engineering Laboratory, Tananaev Institute of Chemistry – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the RAS»
- Alexander Yu. Pyatyshev – Ph. D., Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Raman Light Scattering, P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the RAS
- Olga V. Palatnikova – Ph. D., Senior Researcher, Laboratory of High-temperature Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Tananaev Institute of Chemistry – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the RAS»
- Nikolay V. Sidorov – Dr. Sc., Professor, Chief Researcher and as Head of Vibrational Spectroscopy Sector of the Electronic Engineering Materials Laboratory, Tananaev Institute of Chemistry – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the RAS»
- Mikhail N. Palatnikov – Dr. Sc., Chief Researcher and as Head of the Electronic Engineering Materials Laboratory, Tananaev Institute of Chemistry – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the RAS»
Bobreva, L.A. Comparative studies of photoluminescent and optical properties, concentration of OH– groups in double-doped LiNbO3: Er:Zn crystals / L.A. Bobreva, R.A. Titov, M.V. Smirnov, I.V. Biryukova, S.M. Masloboeva, A.Yu. Pyatyshev, O.V. Palatnikova, N.V. Sidorov, M.N. Palatnikov // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2024. — I. 16. — P. 60-71. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2024.16.060. (In Russian).
Full article (in Russian): download PDF file
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