Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials
Founded at 2009

Comparative studies of structural features of LiNbO3:Er:Zn crystals of different genesis

L.A. Bobreva1, R.A. Titov1, M.V. Smirnov1, I.V. Biryukova1, S.M. Masloboeva1, A.Yu. Pyatyshev2, N.V. Sidorov1, M.N. Palatnikov1

1 Tananaev Institute of Chemistry – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the RAS»
2 P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the RAS

DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2024.16.048

Original article

Abstract: Comparative studies of double-doped LiNbO3:Er:Zn crystals of different genesis have been carried out using infrared absorption spectroscopy (in the region of OH-group stretching vibrations) and Raman spectroscopy. A LiNbO3:Er(0,53 mol.%):Zn(4,02 mol.%) crystal obtained by solid-phase doping and a LiNbO3:Er(0,75 mol.%):Zn(3,82 mol.%) crystal obtained by homogeneous doping were used in the study. No significant changes have been recorded in the infrared absorption spectra and Raman spectra of crystals obtained using different technologies. Minor changes in the main parameters of the absorption bands with frequencies of 3483 and 3492 cm-1 have been detected in the infrared absorption spectra. This may be due to the higher concentration of zinc dopant in the LiNbO3:Er (0,53 mol.%):Zn(4,02 mol.%) crystal. Measuring the half-width parameter of the band with a frequency of 271 cm-1 in the Raman spectra of the studied crystals helped to establish that the LiNbO3:Er(0,53 mol.%):Zn(4,02 mol.%) crystal has a higher ordering of the structural units of the cation sublattice compared to the LiNbO3:Er(0,75 mol.%):Zn(3,82 mol.%) crystal.

Keywords: lithium niobate, solid phase doping, homogeneous doping, erbium, zinc, double doping, Raman scattering, complex defects, infrared spectroscopy

  • Lubov’ A. Bobreva – Ph. D., Researcher, Vibrational Spectroscopy Sector of the Electronic Engineering Materials Laboratory, Tananaev Institute of Chemistry – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the RAS»
  • Roman A. Titov – Ph. D., Junior Researcher, Vibrational Spectroscopy Sector of the Electronic Engineering Materials Laboratory, Tananaev Institute of Chemistry – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the RAS»
  • Maxim V. Smirnov – Ph. D., Researcher, Vibrational Spectroscopy Sector of the Electronic Engineering Materials Laboratory, Tananaev Institute of Chemistry – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the RAS»
  • Irina V. Biryukova – Ph. D., Leading Researcher, Materials of the Electronic Engineering Laboratory, Tananaev Institute of Chemistry – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the RAS»
  • Sofja M. Masloboeva – Ph. D., Assistant Professor, Leading Researcher, Materials of the Electronic Engineering Laboratory, Tananaev Institute of Chemistry – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the RAS»
  • Alexander Yu. Pyatyshev – Ph. D., Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Raman Light Scattering, P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the RAS
  • Nikolay V. Sidorov – Dr. Sc., Professor, Chief Researcher and as Head of Vibrational Spectroscopy Sector of the Electronic Engineering Materials Laboratory, Tananaev Institute of Chemistry – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the RAS»
  • Mikhail N. Palatnikov – Dr. Sc., Chief Researcher and as Head of the Electronic Engineering Materials Laboratory, Tananaev Institute of Chemistry – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the RAS»


Bobreva, L.A. Comparative studies of structural features of LiNbO3:Er:Zn crystals of different genesis / L.A. Bobreva, R.A. Titov, M.V. Smirnov, I.V. Biryukova, S.M. Masloboeva, A.Yu. Pyatyshev, N.V. Sidorov, M.N. Palatnikov // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2024. — I. 16. — P. 48-59. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2024.16.048. (In Russian).

Full article (in Russian): download PDF file


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