Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials
Founded at 2009

Effect of Bi-doping on the electrophysical properties of sodium niobate solid solutions

E.V. Barabanova, N.M. Ospelnikov, A.I. Ivanova

Tver State University

DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2024.16.033

Original article

Abstract: Introduction of dopants is a classic method for modifying the properties of materials, in particular, complex oxides of the perovskite family with the general formula ABO3. Ions located in positions A and/or B are substituted. In this case, their valence can coincide with the valence of the basic ion (isovalent substitution) or differ (heterovalent substitution). Sodium niobate (NaNbO3) is a convenient basis for producing ferroelectric solid solutions. Doping changes the properties of sodium niobate in a wide range, allowing the production of functional materials for various applications. In this paper, the effect of Bi3+ doping upon substitution of niobium ion Nb5+ on the structure and electrophysical properties of sodium niobate is studied. It has been shown that such compositions are characterized by a significant increase in electrical conductivity with increasing the doping concentration, a decrease in the Curie temperature, and a change in the grain structure. The dopant concentration is more than 10 mol. % leads to the formation of some secondary phases.

Keywords: ionic conductivity, ferroelectric solid solutions, sodium niobate, dielectric permittivity

  • Ekaterina V. Barabanova – Ph. D., Docent, Docent of the Applied Physics Department, Tver State University
  • Nikita M. Ospelnikov – 3rd year postgraduate student, Physics and Technology Faculty, Tver State University
  • Alexandra I. Ivanova – Ph. D., Docent, Docent of the Applied Physics Department, Tver State University


Barabanova, E.V. Effect of Bi-doping on the electrophysical properties of sodium niobate solid solutions / E.V. Barabanova, N.M. Ospelnikov, A.I. Ivanova // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2024. — I. 16. — P. 33-40. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2024.16.033. (In Russian).

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