Synthesis of aluminosilicate zeolites in the conditions of alumina production
S.A. Bibanaeva
The Institute of Solid State Chemistry of the Ural Branch of RAS
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2022.14.747
Short communication
Abstract: The work is devoted to study of the possibility of obtaining synthetic sodium and calcium aluminosilicates from recycled solutions of alumina production by the hydro-alkaline method. The chemical qualitative and quantitative composition and morphology of zeolites obtained under conditions of high-temperature autoclave leaching have been studied. X-ray phase studies aimed at determining the composition and structure of the obtained aluminosilicate zeolites were carried out. The prospects of the method of the autoclave synthesis of synthetic zeolites with a high yield of the final product with the particle size up to 5 microns are shown. It has been established that the method allows the production of zeolites in parallel with the technological scheme of bauxite processing at an alumina plant, while minimally weighing down the production process. The resulting aluminosilicate zeolite has a wide range of applications in various industries. According to the results of the research, 2 applications for invention patents were filed.
Keywords: circulating solution, zeolite, calcium aluminosilicate, processing, calcium oxide, alumina production
- Svetlana A. Bibanaeva – Researcher, Laboratory of Heterogeneous Processes, The Institute of Solid State Chemistry of the Ural Branch of RAS
Bibanaeva, S.A. Synthesis of aluminosilicate zeolites in the conditions of alumina production / S.A. Bibanaeva // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2022. — I. 14. — P. 747-753. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2022.14.747. (In Russian).
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