Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials
Founded at 2009

Electron-stimulated desorption of rubidium atoms adsorbed on the surface of gold-rubidium intermetallide

Yu..A. Kuznetsov, M.N. Lapushkin

Ioffe Institute

DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2022.14.450

Original article

Abstract: The calculation of the density of states of various thicknesses of the 2D-layers of the intermetallic compound RbAu has been carried out. 2D-layers of intermetallic compound RbAu are simulated by supercells RbAu (111) 2×2×2. For a monolayer 2D-layer of an intermetallic compound RbAu the presence of a bandgap with a width of 2,70 eV has been established. An increase in the thickness of the 2D-layers of the intermetallic compound RbAu to three monolayers showed a decrease in the bandgap to 0,80 eV. A further increase in the thickness of the 2D-layers of the intermetallic compound RbAu leads to the disappearance of the band gap, which indicates a semiconductor-metal transition for the 2D-layer of the intermetallic compound RbAu with a thickness of four monolayers. The valence band of the 2D-layer of the intermetallic compound RbAu is formed mainly by Au 5d
electrons, with an insignificant contribution from Au 6s and Au 6p electrons. The conduction band of RbAu is formed mainly by Au 6p electrons with an insignificant contribution of electrons Rb 5s.

Keywords: electronic structure, ab initio calculation, intermetallic compounds, rubidium auride, 2D-layer

  • Yurij A. Kuznetsov – Researcher, Ioffe Institute
  • Mikhail N. Lapushkin – Ph. D., Docent, Senior Researcher, Ioffe Institute


Kuznetsov, Yu..A. Electron-stimulated desorption of rubidium atoms adsorbed on the surface of gold-rubidium intermetallide / Yu..A. Kuznetsov, M.N. Lapushkin // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2022. — I. 14. — P. 450-457. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2022.14.450. (In Russian).

Full article (in Russian): download PDF file


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