Catalytic properties in the heterogeneous Fenton reaction of the surface of nanoporous iron obtained by electrochemical dealoiyng in melted chloride mixtures
D.A. Rozhentsev1, R.R. Mansurov2, N.K. Tkachev1, O.V. Russkikh2, A.A. Ostroushko2
1 Institute of High- Temperature Electrochemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 Institute of Physics and Applied mathematics of Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2021.13.919
Original article
Abstract: The samples of partially oxidized micro- and nanoporous iron obtained by high-temperature dealloing of an iron-manganese alloy in a molten salt were investigated. The data concerning the structure of the samples and the composition of their surface were obtained by electron microscopy; it was found that after washing at room temperature in air the oxide phases of iron were formed as whiskers with a thickness of about 10 nm. During the preparation of the samples a quantitative removal of manganese from the initial alloy was achieved. The catalytic activity of the obtained samples in the heterogeneous Fenton reaction was estimated by oxidation of methyl orange by hydrogen peroxide. The rate of the first stage of the reaction, which was described by the first-order equation, was determined by the most active spent part of the samples, and then the reaction passed into the stationary mode. The nanoporous samples possessed a higher catalytic activity.
Keywords: nanoporous iron, dealloying, iron oxide whiskers, catalytic activity, Fenton reaction
- Danil A. Rozhentsev – postgraduate student, Junior Researcher, Molten Salts Laborarory, Institute of High- Temperature Electrochemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Renat R. Mansurov – Ph. D., Researcher, Department of Chemical Materials Science in Scientific Research, Institute of Physics and Applied mathematics of Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
- Nikolai K. Tkachev – Dr. Sc., Head of Molten Salts Laborarory, Institute of High- Temperature Electrochemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Olga V. Russkikh – Ph. D., Senior Researcher, Department of Chemical Materials Science in Scientific Research, Institute of Physics and Applied mathematics of Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
- Alexander A. Ostroushko – Dr. Sc., Full Professor, Physical and Inorganic Chemistry Department, Institute of Physics and Applied mathematics of Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
Rozhentsev, D.A. Catalytic properties in the heterogeneous Fenton reaction of the surface of nanoporous iron obtained by electrochemical dealoiyng in melted chloride mixtures / D.A. Rozhentsev, R.R. Mansurov, N.K. Tkachev, O.V. Russkikh, A.A. Ostroushko // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2021. — I. 13. — P. 919-927. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2021.13.919. (In Russian).
Full article (in Russian): download PDF file
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