Recognition of gas-air mixtures by a single gas sensor based on the tin dioxide nanowhiskers
D.A. Timoshenko, I.V. Sinev, V.V. Simakov, N.A. Klychkov
Saratov State University
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2021.13.796
Original article
Abstract: Tin dioxide nanowhiskers were grown by physical vapor deposition and transferred to the contact system by the frozen drop method. The sensors demonstrate gas-sensitivity. Exposing sensors to the atmosphere contained vapors of reducing-gases leads to an increasing of their conductivity. A long-term drift of the sensor conductivity during reducing-gas exposition was shown. A sensitivity response vs concentration for ethanol, acetone, and propanol- 2 vapors at temperature 300 °C was investigated. Desorption energies of the particles and the positions of the donor levels induced by adsorption of reducing gases particles were calculated by analysis of the conductivity vs concentration dependence. The calculated parameters had a significantly smaller time drift in comparison with the conductivity. Using of these parameters makes possible to recognize gas-air mixtures: classify the each of three studied samples to one of classes.
Keywords: whisker nanocrystals, tin dioxide, gas detection, semiconductor gas sensor, gas sensitivity
- Dmitrii A. Timoshenko – postgraduate student, Department of Materials Science, Technology and Quality Managemen, Saratov State University
- Il'ya V. Sinev – Ph. D., Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science, Technology and Quality Management, Saratov State University
- Viacheslav V. Simakov – Dr. Sc., Professor, Department of Materials Science, Technology and Quality Management, Saratov State University
- Nikita A. Klychkov – undergraduate student, Department of Materials Science, Technology and Quality Management, Saratov State University
Timoshenko, D.A. Recognition of gas-air mixtures by a single gas sensor based on the tin dioxide nanowhiskers / D.A. Timoshenko, I.V. Sinev, V.V. Simakov, N.A. Klychkov // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2021. — I. 13. — P. 796-801. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2021.13.796. (In Russian).
Full article (in Russian): download PDF file
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