Formation of sol-gel catalytic coatings to improve the ecological parameters of intermetallic porous burners
A.A. Ponomareva1,2, V.E. Sitnikova1, K.A. Tсoi2
1 ITMO University
2 Far Eastern Federal University
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2021.13.760
Original article
Abstract: The environmental parameters of power equipment are important in terms of minimizing the negative impact on the environment. Intermetallic infrared porous flameless burners are a new generation of burners with improved performance. Gas burners are among the most efficient devices for direct conversion of combustion heat into infrared energy. Despite the improved environmental characteristics of infrared porous burners compared to traditional burners, during operation they can emit unwanted and hazardous combustion products of gas mixtures (or other fuels), especially during transient and high-power modes. In this work, catalytic coatings based on cerium-based oxide systems with a small addition of silicon oxides were obtained. The deposition of the catalytic material on porous intermetallic substrates was controlled using the gravimetric method, optical analysis system, and scanning electron microscopy, and its chemical structure was investigated using IR spectroscopy. The uniform distribution of the coating over the substrate surface and the correspondence of the IR peaks with the chemical composition of the synthesized systems were detected.
Keywords: catalytic coatings, metal oxide structures, porous burners, sol-gel technology, infrared spectroscopy
- Alina A. Ponomareva – Ph. D., Docent, Center for Chemical Engineering, ITMO University, Senior Researcher, International Combustion and Energy Laboratory Far Eastern Federal University
- Vera E. Sitnikova – Ph. D., Docent, Center for Chemical Engineering, ITMO University
- Konstantin A. Tсoi – Senior Lecturer, Department of Energy Systems of the Polytechnic Institute, Far Eastern Federal University
Ponomareva, A.A. Formation of sol-gel catalytic coatings to improve the ecological parameters of intermetallic porous burners / A.A. Ponomareva, V.E. Sitnikova, K.A. Tсoi // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2021. — I. 13. — P. 760-768. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2021.13.760. (In Russian).
Full article (in Russian): download PDF file
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