Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials
Founded at 2009

Fractal analysis of the nanostructure of a heterogeneous high coercity alloy

E.M. Semenova1, M.B. Lyakhova1, A.I. Sinkevich1, D.V. Ivanov1, A.S. Antonov1,2, N.Yu. Sdobnyakov1

1 Tver State University
2 Tver State Agricultural Academy

DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2021.13.368

Original article

Abstract: The atomic force microscopy was used to obtain images of the nanostructure of components of a heterogeneous intermetallic SmCoCuFeZr compound in a highly coercive state. At the microlevel, two types of regions were distinguished in the alloys, differing in integral elemental composition and coercivity intervals. Based on the atomic force microscopy data, an analysis of the fractal characteristics of the surface is carried out on both of the above types of areas. It is shown that the fractal dimension of the nanostructure correlates with the local coercivity of the phase components. The phase component with a relatively low coercivity demonstrates the possibility of the existence of structures with fractal dimensions in the 2,396–2,475 range corresponding to a moderately developed fractal relief. In this case, the high-coercive component with a regular nanostructure is characterized by a higher fractal dimension of 2,452–2,508, and in some areas of the sample there were regions with a fractal dimension up to the value of 2,577.

Keywords: atomic force microscopу, nanorelief, nanostructure, surface morphology, coercivity, fractal dimension

  • Elena M. Semenova – Ph. D., Docent, Condensed Matter Physic Department, Tver State University
  • Marina B. Lyakhova – Ph. D., Docent, Condensed Matter Physic Department, Tver State University
  • Artem I. Sinkevich – 1st year postgraduate student, Condensed Matter Physic Department, Tver State University
  • Dmitry V. Ivanov – 4th year postgraduate student, General Physics Department, Tver State University
  • Alexander S. Antonov – Ph. D., Researcher, Tver State University, Senior Lecturer Tver State Agricultural Academy
  • Nickolay Yu. Sdobnyakov – Ph. D., Docent, General Physics Department, Tver State University


Semenova, E.M. Fractal analysis of the nanostructure of a heterogeneous high coercity alloy / E.M. Semenova, M.B. Lyakhova, A.I. Sinkevich, D.V. Ivanov, A.S. Antonov, N.Yu. Sdobnyakov // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2021. — I. 13. — P. 368-375. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2021.13.368. (In Russian).

Full article (in Russian): download PDF file


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