Charge distribution in the Al2O3-SiO2 system exposed to ionizing radiation
G.A. Mustafaev1, A.G. Mustafaev2, N.V. Cherkesova1
1 Kabardino-Balkarian State University
2 Dagestan State University of National Economy
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2021.13.329
Original article
Abstract: Metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) structures are key elements of modern electronic technology, including devices operating under conditions of exposure to penetrating radiation. One of the possible approaches to reducing radiation effects in MIS structures is the use of dielectrics, which reduce the generation and accumulation of excess space charge in the bulk of the dielectric. We investigated the system of dielectrics Al2O3–SiO2. The study shows the suitability of using MIS structures based on a system of dielectrics for formation of devices with high radiation resistance. Applying a Al2O3 layer on top of the SiO2 layer improves the performance of MIS structures by increasing the uniformity of parameters. The main effect of the influence of the Al2O3 layer on the parameters of the structures is to reduce the mechanical stresses at the interface SiO2 -substrate. The trapping of electrons in Al2O3 , compensates for the charge of the trapped holes in SiO2 , and reduces the parasitic current through Al2O3.
Keywords: ionizing radiation, surface states, charge distribution, system of dielectrics, radiation resistance
- Gasan A. Mustafaev – Dr. Sc., Full Professor, Department of Electronics and Information Technologies, Kabardino-Balkarian State University
- Arslan G. Mustafaev – Dr. Sc., Full Professor, Department of Information Technologies and Information Security, Dagestan State University of National Economy
- Natalya V. Cherkesova – Ph. D., Docent, Department of Electronics and Information Technologies, Kabardino-Balkarian State University
Mustafaev, G.A. Charge distribution in the Al2O3-SiO2 system exposed to ionizing radiation / G.A. Mustafaev, A.G. Mustafaev, N.V. Cherkesova // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2021. — I. 13. — P. 329-337. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2021.13.329. (In Russian).
Full article (in Russian): download PDF file
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