Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials
Founded at 2009

Barium and calcium niobate ceramics: specific features of their structure

O.S. Guseva1, O.V. Malyshkina2, A.I. Ivanova2, K.N. Boitsova2

1 Tver State Medical University
2 Tver State University

DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2021.13.085

Original article

Abstract: We obtained and studied the samples of ceramics based on barium niobate and calcium niobate CaxBa1-xNb2O6 with different percentages of barium and calcium ( x=1 ; 0,9 ; 0,8 ; 0,7 ; 0,6 ; 0,5 ; 0,4; 0,3 ; 0,2; 0,1 and 0). The effect of the sintering temperature on the structure and dielectric properties of ceramics has been investigated. One batch of the samples was sintered at a temperature of 1100°C, the second at 1250°C. We have shown that the sintering temperature of 1100 °C is not enough to obtain good ferroelectric properties, and the process of grain recrystallization is not completed. According to studies of the elemental composition, in samples sintered at a temperature of 1250 °C with the Ca content greater than 0,5, Ba atoms are not present in all grains, which also affects the course of the temperature dependences of the dielectric constant A sample with x=0,3 is distinguished by its dielectric properties.

Keywords: piezoelectric ceramics, barium-calcium niobate, lead-free materials, grain structure, permittivity

  • Olga S. Guseva – Assistant, Physics, Mathematics and Medical Informatics Department, Tver State Medical University
  • Olga V. Malyshkina – Dr. Sc., Full Professor, Head of the Department of Dissertation Councils and Doctorate Studies, Scientific Research Department, Tver State University
  • Alexandra I. Ivanova – Ph. D., Docent, Applied Physic Department, Tver State University
  • Kristina N. Boitsova – Ph. D., Docent, Applied Physic Department, Tver State University


Guseva, O.S. Barium and calcium niobate ceramics: specific features of their structure / O.S. Guseva, O.V. Malyshkina, A.I. Ivanova, K.N. Boitsova // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2021. — I. 13. — P. 85-95. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2021.13.085. (In Russian).

Full article (in Russian): download PDF file


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