Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials
Founded at 2009

Thermal stability of small fcc-magic size silver clusters structure with the initial amorphous configuration

Yu.Ya. Gafner, D.A. Ryzhkova

N.F. Katanov Khakas State University

DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2020.12.486

Original article

Abstract: Silver particles smaller than the wavelength of visible light are capable of absorbing light to a large extent due to the  surface plasmon resonance, the frequency and intensity of which depend on the shape and structure of nanoparticles. In other words, control of the structure of Ag nanoclusters, widely used in plasmonics, makes it possible to control the wavelengths of light that they scatter and absorb. This article discusses the issue of thermal stability of small Ag clusters with the number of atoms corresponding to the «magic» numbers of the fcc structure, with the initial amorphous configuration of the clusters. It has been shown that the initial amorphous morphology of particles can significantly change the nature of the structure formation of Ag nanoclusters: the formation of a stable fcc structure is replaced by a transition to Dh- and Ih- configurations.

Keywords: nanoclusters, silver, structure, computer simulation, tight-binding, molecular dynamics, fcc configuration, amorphous morphology

  • Yury Ya. Gafner – Dr. Sc., Docent, Chief of the Department of Physics and Information Technology, N.F. Katanov Khakas State University
  • Daria A. Ryzhkova – assistant of the Department of Physics and Information Technology, N.F. Katanov Khakas State University


Gafner, Yu.Ya. Thermal stability of small fcc-magic size silver clusters structure with the initial amorphous configuration / Yu.Ya. Gafner, D.A. Ryzhkova // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2020. — I. 12. — P. 486-492. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2020.12.486. (In Russian).

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