Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials
Founded at 2009

Concentration threshold in LiNbO3:Tb crystals

M.N. Palatnikov, N.V. Sidorov, A.V. Kadetova, N.A. Teplyakova, O.V. Makarova

Tananaev Institute of Chemistry  Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences»

DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2020.12.142

Short communication

Abstract: A series of lithium niobate crystals doped with terbium was grown. Processes of crystallization and concentration dependences of structural characteristics were studied in LiNbO3:Tb ([Tb] = 0,1 – 2,89 wt. %) crystals. Comparative studies of the photorefractive properties of crystals LiNbO3:Tb of various chemical composition are carried out. A concentration threshold was determined in  crystals near [Tb] ~ 2,2 – 2,3 wt. %. Anomalies of physic-chemical, optical and structural characteristics are observed in this area.

Keywords: single crystal, lithium niobate, doping, terbium, structural characteristics, photorefractive properties, concentration threshold

  • Mikhail N. Palatnikov – Dr. Sc., Chief Researcher and as Head of Materials of Electronic Engineering Laboratory, Tananaev Institute of Chemistry  Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences»
  • Nikolay V. Sidorov – Dr. Sc., Professor, Chief Researcher and as Head of Sector of Vibrational Spectroscopy of Materials of Electronic Engineering Laboratory, Tananaev Institute of Chemistry  Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences»
  • Alexandra V. Kadetova – postgraduate student, Tananaev Institute of Chemistry  Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences»
  • Natalya A. Teplyakova – Ph. D., Senior Researcher of Sector of Vibrational Spectroscopy of Materials of Electronic Engineering Laboratory, Tananaev Institute of Chemistry  Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences»
  • Olga V. Makarova – Ph. D., Senior Researcher of laboratory of high-temperature chemistry and electrochemistry, Tananaev Institute of Chemistry  Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences»


Palatnikov, M.N. Concentration threshold in LiNbO3:Tb crystals / M.N. Palatnikov, N.V. Sidorov, A.V. Kadetova, N.A. Teplyakova, O.V. Makarova // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2020. — I. 12. — P. 142-148. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2020.12.142. (In Russian).

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