Influence of synthesis conditions on aggregative stability of Ag alcosols
A.V. Blinov1, A.A. Kravtsov2,1, V.V. Raffa1, V.N. Kramarenko1, S.O. Krandievsky1, D.G. Maglakelidze1, A.A. Blinova1
1 North Caucasus Federal University
2 Federal Research Centre The Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2020.12.025
Original article
Abstract: For the first time, the paper presents the results of investigation the effect of the type of alcoholic medium on the properties of highly concentrated sols of silver nanoparticles. Spectrophotometry revealed the presence of a selective absorption band corresponding to the surface plasmon resonance of silver nanoparticles. Measurement of the zetta potential showed that, regardless of the type of medium, the surface of silver nanoparticles is negatively charged. It was found that the most aggregatively stable particles that retain stability even in concentrated sodium chloride solutions were obtained in isopropyl alcohol and are characterized by the zetta potential equal to -99.8 mV.
Keywords: silver nanoparticles, optical properties, electroacoustic spectroscopy, zeta potential, nanoparticle stability
- Andrey V. Blinov – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Electronics and Nanotechnology of the Engineering Institute, North Caucasus Federal University
- Alexander A. Kravtsov – Ph. D., Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Nanoheterostructures for Microwave Electronics and Photonics, Federal Research Centre The Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Researcher, Research Laboratory of Ceramics and Technochemistry, Researcher, Research Laboratory of Ceramics and Technochemistry, Research and Laboratory Complex of Clean Zones of the Engineering Institute North Caucasus Federal University
- Vladislav V. Raffa – student of the Department of Electronics and Nanotechnology of the Engineering Institute, North Caucasus Federal University
- Vasiliy N. Kramarenko – student of the Department of Electronics and Nanotechnology of the Engineering Institute, North Caucasus Federal University
- Svyatoslav O. Krandievsky – Leading Engineer, Research Laboratory of Thin Films and Nanoheterostructures, Research Laboratory Complex of Clean Zones of the Engineering Institute, North Caucasus Federal University
- David G. Maglakelidze – 1st year student of the Department of Electronics and Nanotechnology of the Engineering Institute, North Caucasus Federal University
- Anastasiya A. Blinova – Ph. D., Docent of the Department of Electronics and Nanotechnology of the Engineering Institute, North Caucasus Federal University
Blinov, A.V. Influence of synthesis conditions on aggregative stability of Ag alcosols / A.V. Blinov, A.A. Kravtsov, V.V. Raffa, V.N. Kramarenko, S.O. Krandievsky, D.G. Maglakelidze, A.A. Blinova // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. — 2020. — I. 12. — P. 25-32. DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2020.12.025. (In Russian).
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