Interfacial characteristics of potassium and sodium chlorides doped with silver, tin and copper on the boundary with liquid lead
A.Kh. Dyshekova, A.M. Karmokov, K.Ch. Bzhikhatlov
Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov, Nalchik, Russia
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2019.11.115
Abstract: Influence of small additives of copper, silver and tin on the wetting angle and the work of adhesion of monocrystals of potassium and sodium chlorides is considered. The nature of interfacial interactions at the lead – single sodium/potassium chloride boundaries has been revealed with respect of the above additives.
Keywords: angle of wetting, work of adhesion, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, monocrystal.
Bibliography link:
Dyshekova, A.Kh. Interfacial characteristics of potassium and sodium chlorides doped with silver, tin and copper on the boundary with liquid lead / A.Kh. Dyshekova, A.M. Karmokov, K.Ch. Bzhikhatlov // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials: Interuniversity collection of proceedings / Ed. by V.M. Samsonov, N.Yu. Sdobnyakov. – Tver: TSU, 2019. – I. 11. – P. 115-122.
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