Features of the low-temperature transformation in the micromagnetic structure of the intermetallic compound Ho2Fe17
E.S. Antonova, Yu.G. Pastushenkov
Tver State University
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2018.10.013
Abstract: We found that a three-phase micromagnetic structure may emerge when a magnetic field is applied to the intermetallic compound Ho2Fe17 with the magnetic crystallographic anisotropy of the «easy plane» type in the temperature range 10 ÷ 110 К. Using the method of magneto-optic Kerr effect, the temperature dependence of the field value where the third magnetic phase emerges was determined.
Keywords: micromagnetic structure, magnetic anisotropy of the type «easy plane», rare-earth intermetallic compounds, three-phase magnetic structure.
Bibliography link:
Antonova E.S. Kinetics of electronic spectra of surface of india with adsorbed oxygen / E.S. Antonova, Yu.G. Pastushenkov // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials: Interuniversity collection of proceedings / Ed. by V.M. Samsonov, N.Yu. Sdobnyakov. – Tver: TSU, 2018. – I. 10. – P. 13-19.
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