Influence of the surface nanotopography on the electrical resistance of a discrete contact of solids
V.V. Izmailov, M.V. Novoselova
Tver State Technical University
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2017.9.210
Abstract: An influence of micro- and nanoscale deviations of real surfaces of engineering devices from ideal form on the electrical resistance of a discrete contact of solids has been considered. It is shown that the influence of the nanoroughness on the value of the contact electrical resistance is minor both in contact of nominally flat surfaces and in local contact of a ball and the plane.
Keywords: surface, microroughness, nanoroughness, contact, contact electrical resistance.
Bibliography link:
Izmailov, V.V. Influence of the surface nanotopography on the electrical resistance of a discrete contact of solids / V.V. Izmailov, M.V. Novoselova // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials: Interuniversity collection of proceedings / Ed. by V.M. Samsonov, N.Yu. Sdobnyakov. – Tver: TSU, 2017. – I. 9. – P. 210-216.
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