Research of morphology of the relief of copper films on the mica surface
A.S. Antonov1, N.Yu. Sdobnyakov1, D.V. Ivanov1, K.B. Podbolotov2
1Tver State University
2The Physical-Technical Institute of of NAS of Belarus
DOI: 10.26456/pcascnn/2017.9.019
Abstract: A scanning tunneling microscope has examined morphology of the relief of copper films obtained by thermal vacuum deposition on the surface of mica. The characteristic features of the nanorelief of the film surface, including fractal properties, are described.
Keywords: scanning tunneling microscopy, nanorelief, fractal dimension, copper films.
Bibliography link:
Antonov A.S. Research of morphology of the relief of copper films on the mica surface / A.S. Antonov, N.Yu. Sdobnyakov, D.V. Ivanov, K.B. Podbolotov // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials: Interuniversity collection of proceedings / Ed. by V.M. Samsonov, N.Yu. Sdobnyakov. – Tver: TSU, 2017. – I. 9. – P. 19-26.
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